Welcome to the Sioux City Blog. We aren't really sure where this blog will go, but the intent is to have a forum for subjects relevant to the Sioux City, Siouxland, and the Northwest IA/Tri-State Areas that aren't normally covered in the main stream media. We hope it will become another community sounding board, and that a diverse audience will find it interesting and accessible. We also hope that it will have some impact, and also at times provide some fun. It should be interesting...a senior high level City official, when informed of the formation of the Sioux City Blog, instantly and spontaneously developed a panicked look on his face, prior to getting somewhat excited about the prospects. Let's see where it goes...
Does "senior high level city official" mean that the person was in high school (sometimes that grade level seems appropriate given the level of discourse) or are you just being redundant?
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